
Plumbing Tips To Prevent Pipe Problems

Plumbing is an important part of your home. Its timely maintenance and some precautions will help you avoid many plumbing problems. Inspect your home’s plumbing parts regularly. You have to conduct only a visual inspection. This will reveal any existing or developing problem in the pipes and other connected systems. Use the following plumbing tips to prevent pipe problems.

1. Check for the Signs of Leakage

Even a small leak in your pipe or faucet can cause extensive flooding if you fail to notice the leakage in time. The damages can be extensive, and you will be forced to spend a lot of money on plumbing and home repair services. Avoid such costs by inspecting your home and its plumbing parts regularly. Check the exterior walls, garage, crawlspace, unheated basement and other places where pipes and plumbing parts are installed. Check areas that do not have insulation. Lack of insulation makes pipes vulnerable to freezing temperatures. They can crack in the winter months if no protective insulation material is installed around them. Contact a professional plumber if you need expert plumbing inspection services. This audit will reveal any developing problem as well. You will learn about the plumbing parts that should be prepared for the coming winter months.

2. Drain Your Plumbing Items and Insulate Them

Secure your exterior pipes before the winter months by draining them. If water remains trapped inside the pipe, it can freeze and cause the pipe to expand and crack. It can lead to breaking or bursting of the pipe. In addition to the draining, you should also insulate the pipes. These two measures will help you avoid any property damage caused by the cracked pipes and water leakage.

Preparing Your Exterior Pipes before the Winter Season Sets in

  • Drain your garden hoses and disconnect them from the source pipe. Use a faucet cover or hose bib to insulate the outdoor faucets from freezing outdoor conditions.
  • In the case of an irrigation system, close the water flow and drain water from the whole system.

If you are not confident in handling the draining and insulating of your plumbing systems, take the help of a professional plumber. This simple and inexpensive service will help you avoid expensive plumbing repairs in future.

3. Weatherproof Problematic Areas

Check the areas with exposed plumbing items. Some of these areas include windows, doorways, vent fans and others. Inspect these places to ensure everything is sealed tightly. Any cracked or broken seal should be fixed with caulking. It will prevent the plumbing items from freezing. Window cracks should be repaired because they can allow the freezing outdoor temperature to affect the interior temperature and damage the plumbing parts. You will be forced to spend on plumbing services if such damages are not prevented.

4. Exposed Pipes Should Be Insulated

Rather than seal your home to prevent the airflow from entering and affecting the plumbing parts, it is better to insulate the pipes. It will protect them from the freezing winter air. This is an easy and inexpensive option to protect your home’s plumbing. You can use simple options like covers or foam tubing around the pipes. It will allow the hot water inside the pipes to remain warm longer. You will also reduce your energy bills with this preventive measure. Use electrical heating tape to insulate plumbing pipes located near electrical sources. A heat tape can be wrapped around a pipe. It prevents the pipe from freezing.

5. How to Keep Your Indoor Pipes Warm?

While most of the home plumbing problems during the winter season happen in the outdoor pipes, you cannot ignore the indoor plumbing during this time. Pipes installed in the indoor areas can also freeze and crack when it gets too cold. You can leave the cabinet doors open so that pipes are exposed to the warm environment of your home. It will prevent them from freezing and cracking. If you will be away from your home for a long time, set the interior thermostat to at least 55 degrees F. Leave the indoor faucets to drip when the outdoor temperature goes down lower than 30 degrees F. It will prevent pipes from cracking or bursting.

6. Use a Plumbing Maintenance Contract

Homeowners are advised to keep a watch on their home plumbing system. Regular inspections will save you time and money. You will avoid damages to your property and belongings. Check the plumbing maintenance contract plan offered by a local plumbing company. Sign up for this contract to avail of certain plumbing services at reduced or no charges. You will know the steps you need to take when faced with a plumbing issue. This plan will make your appliances last longer. Your plumbing warranties will remain valid. You will have peace of mind after signing up for this plumbing maintenance program. Your home plumbing will be under the care of professional, expert and experienced plumbers.

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